Living with children's cancer
There is little that can prepare a parent or carer for the diagnosis of cancer in their child.
It’s normal to feel a wide range of emotions — shock, anger, disbelief, grief, fear, guilt, sadness and a feeling of being overwhelmed are just some.
A cancer diagnosis in your child not only affects you and your child. It affects your immediate and extended family, and friends.
While most children with therapy survive cancer, and go on to live healthy lives, living through treatment can be difficult. No two days will be the same. And some days are more positive than others.
However, you will not be alone on this journey.
Your child’s treatment team will make your child as comfortable as possible and will ensure that all your child’s needs are considered while they have cancer treatment.
Love and support from family, friends and carers also play an important part in helping you and your family during this difficult time.
And there are many places you can go for further information and support.
Here you’ll find some further information about living with cancer, and how you can negotiate the road ahead.
A diagnosis of children's cancer marks the beginning of a journey full of emotional, psychological, physical and practical challenges.
If you have just found out that your grandchild, niece, nephew or other close family relative has cancer, this news can be difficult to come to terms with. Find out what you can do and how you can help.
The effects of a child having cancer also extend to the wider community of friends, neighbours, and other people in contact with the child and their family. Everyone involved needs the right information to support them through this difficult time.
School friends and teachers can be affected by the diagnosis of cancer in a student.
Getting cancer is scary. Maybe you thought only old people get cancer. It’s not very common for kids to get cancer. But it can happen.
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a big effect on our lives.